Movie Reviews and Release Dates

‘UpNEPA!’ Documentary on Nigeria’s Power Sector Premieres in Abuja


‘UpNEPA!’ a compelling documentary that explores Nigeria’s persistent electricity supply challenges, has premiered in Abuja. The screening, held on Thursday, May 9, drew a distinguished crowd, including filmmakers, industry experts, institutional representatives, and
concerned electricity consumers.

Produced by Griot Studios, ‘UpNEPA!’ probes Nigeria’s erratic power supply and its far-reaching repercussions on individuals, businesses, and the nation’s economy. The film intricately examines the sector’s overarching hurdles, encompassing issues like ineffective electricity policies, regulatory ambiguities, and corruption.

The film also features insights from industry luminaries such as Patrick Okigbo, Bart Nnaji, Alex Okoh, and Rahila Thomas, alongside interviews with everyday Nigerians. Joining these industry experts are Nollywood icon Kate Henshaw and rapper Jude Abaga, popularly known as MI. Speaking at the premiere, Ishaya Bako, the Writer and Director of ‘UpNEPA!’, highlighted the extensive effort that went into the film’s creation.

“I am grateful to be able to share this film with an audience which has been many years in the making. The documentary provides an in-depth analysis of the challenges of providing adequate and sustained electrical power to Nigeria’s growing population in spite of being one of the
world’s largest primary energy producers.

“It also examines the historical changes and government reforms within the power sector while
anticipating future developments. I am particularly grateful to the MacArthur Foundation for their
support in producing the film and our hardworking team at Griot Studios, who have persevered to ensure this project becomes a reality,” he said.

Ummi Yakubu, the Executive Producer of ‘UP NEPA’ emphasized the documentary’s aim to
spark meaningful dialogues and catalyze actionable solutions to Nigeria’s electricity woes. Yakubu stressed the criticality of a reliable power supply for holistic economic and societal development.

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She said, “We are hoping that the average Nigerian will watch this and understand what is going on in the power sector and understand who the key players are. They will also understand how power actually gets generated, all the way to coming down to us being able to switch on our sockets and get power.”

The ‘UpNEPA!’ documentary will be available on YouTube by the end of May 2024.

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